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10 Fun Facts About North America That Are Ecstatically Interesting

Image is related to the Fun Facts About North America.

North America is a very popular continent for its various landscapes. Here we, discover some interesting fun facts about North America. It is the third-largest continent in the world and has a large population. Many people should be aware of its exciting past as well. Amazing views can be found in grassland, forests, and the blazing deserts of the southwest United States and Canada’s icy plain.

10 Most Interesting Facts about North America:

There are many facts about North America and we will be sharing 10 most interesting and amazing one over here which will certainly give you some in depth knowledge about the North America.

images show the third largest continent in the word. One of the main fact about north America
Third Largest Continent in the World.

1. Third-Largest Continent:

The first facts about North America is that it is the third largest continent in the world, just below Asia and Africa, the first and second largest. It combines Mexico, the United States, and Canada. It covers 4.8% of the earth’s surface and 16.5% of the land area. There is a diversity in North America. North America’s large size and latitudinal spread contribute to its diverse climate. North America is among the richest continents in the world in terms of resources.

Image shows the largest island in the world.
Largest Island in the World.

2. North America has the largest island:

As Greenland is the largist island in the whole world. It is the 11th tallest island in the world, situated in North America, and such groups as the Arctic Archipelago located in the West Indies, Haida Gwaii, and the Aleutian Islands. Large portions of the continent of North America are also included. With an overall area of 836,300 square miles, the fascinating fact about North America is Greenland is truly covered in ice. Isn’t it one of the interesting facts about North America.

image shows the land of maple syrup
The Land of Maple Syrup.

3. The land of maple syrup:

When you think of maple syrup, Canada often comes to mind. Do you know the fun facts about North America that Canada produces 71% of the world’s maple syrup? For ages, Canadians have treasured the custom of harvesting maple trees and boiling the sap to create syrup.

image shows the largest lake in north America
Largest Lake in north America.

4. The Largest Freshwater Lake:

Facts about North America are they have many great lakes, which form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth. Lake Superior is the biggest freshwater lake in North America. With an area of 82,100 square miles, it is the largest lake in North America and is viewed as “superior” to all others. One of the five well-known lakes in North America that are referred to as the Great Lakes are Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, and Lake Erie are the others.

wood buffalo national park image by My USA Blogs.
Wood Buffalo National Park.

5. Wonderful huge Parks:

Having over 400 national parks, such as popular attractions like Yosemite, Yellowstone, and the Everglades, the United States is renowned for its large and well-preserved national parks. The Wood Buffalo National Park is the biggest national park in Canada, the fun facts about North America are that it is the size of Switzerland. In Canada, there are more than forty national parks. Every park has its beauty and uniqueness.

The image is of Hollywood which come in facts about North America.
Hollywood, Los Angeles

6. Famous for Hollywood:

Los Angeles, California, is associated with the glamorous lifestyle of the entertainment industry. What exactly many might not know, but Hollywood was not only born in North America, but it is also largely powered by it. One of the biggest fact about North America is that the US film business makes billions of dollars a year and has a global impact on popular culture. It is famous for its lifestyle worldwide.

This image is related to time 6 times zones of America.
6 times zones of North America.

7. They have 6 Time Zones:

Interesting fun facts about North America are that it has 6 time zones, Hawaii-Aleutian time, Alaska time, Pacific time, Mountain time, Central time, and Eastern time which make up the United States. Alaska and Hawaii have their time zones, yet you may only be able to recall the Pacific, and Eastern time zones in the USA.

Image is related to world's largest international suspension bridge
World’s largest international suspension bridge

8. A Bridge to Two Countries:

Have you ever thought where is the world’s largest international suspension bridge? It is still the Ambassador Bridge. The busiest international border crossing in North America links Windsor, Ontario, with Detroit, Michigan. It makes trading between the United States and Canada easier. The among the facts about North America one is that, this bridge every workday, almost 10,000 cars cross the bridge on average. In the form of both traffic and commerce volume, it is one of the biggest international border crossings in North America.

Image is of The Liberty Statue. Which also come in the facts about North America.

9. The Liberty Statue:

The Statue of Liberty welcomes tourists from all over the world as a symbol of opportunity and freedom. The monument honors the relationship that developed from the American Revolution between France and the United States and is situated on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. Lady Liberty, a gift from France to the United States in 1886, has grown to represent the values of the country.

The Constitution State image by My USA Blogs.
The Constitution State.

10. First Written Constitution in North America:

The Fundamental Orders, which were approved by the Colony of Connecticut in 1639, served as the first written constitution in North America. The facts about North America is that the Connecticut is known as “the Constitution State” for good reason, it became the model for every state constitution that has been drafted after. Being a relatively new nation, the United States achieved great achievements in its short history. This includes being the nation with the first written constitution in history.

North America might be one of the most interesting continents discovered worldwide, and you always find full of fun and amazing facts about North America. North America is much more than just a land on a map, it’s an ocean of wonders waiting to be explored. This large continent offers endless opportunities for discovery, whether you’re taking in amazing natural beauty, getting lost in fascinating cultures, or enjoying delicious food.

The culturally rich continent is a mash-up of contemporary inventions, European ancestry, and cultural traditions. People from all over the world are inspired by North America because of its growing cities, large natural places, and cultural environment. Facts about North America provide countless chances for exploration and adventure, whether you are enjoying the delicious food of New Orleans, touring the historic streets of Boston, or admiring the pure beauty of Yellowstone National Park.

Image is related to people of north america.
People of North America.

People of North America:

North Americans are a diverse group of people from many cultures, cultural backgrounds, and lifestyles. North America is a combination of customs, languages, and beliefs, shaped by the many different immigrant populations that have shaped its history as well as the native Americans who have lived there for centuries. The Cherokee, Navajo, and Iroquois peoples currently form the largest Native American groups.

The majority of native minority groups in Mexico are members of the modern Mayan people, including the Yucatan and Campeche people. The region’s cultural landscape is further complicated by the fundamental indigenous heritage and Spanish colonial influence of the majority of Mexico.

There are so many facts about North America, this continent has something to offer everyone, from the sun-kissed beaches of the Caribbean to the breathtaking peaks of the Rocky Mountains. Its geographic diversity, which includes anything from lush rainforests to deserts, is one outstanding feature. North America is home to famous places like the Statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, and the Grand Canyon, which welcome millions of tourists every year.

The culturally rich continent is a mash-up of contemporary inventions, European ancestry, and cultural traditions. People from all over the world are inspired by North America because of its growing cities, large natural places, and cultural environment. Facts about North America provide countless chances for exploration and adventure, whether you’re enjoying the delicious food of New Orleans, touring the historic streets of Boston, or admiring the pure beauty of Yellowstone National Park.

2 thoughts on “10 Fun Facts About North America That Are Ecstatically Interesting”

  1. Hey everyone, David here! I was recently on the hunt for some interesting “facts about North America” and stumbled upon a fantastic article on It had exactly what I was looking for – unique and surprising details that really made me see the continent in a new light. If you’re curious about North America beyond the usual tourist stuff, check it out! You won’t be disappointed.

  2. Wow, this is great! I was just looking for some “interesting facts about North America” the other day, and then I came across this article on It has all sorts of cool trivia that goes way beyond the typical tourist info. Thanks for sharing this,! You guys rock!

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